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Welcome to Ash Class (Reception)

Meet the team;

What is happening in Autumn Term?

Welcome to all our children and families in Ash Class!  We hope you had a fun filled time with your family over summer.

This half term we will be new and exciting for the children.  There will be lots of new experiances and routines. This half term we will gradually build up our timetable so that the children can get used to the different expectations in Reception. We will have all aspects of our timetable in place by the October holiday. 

Our Pathways to Write story books this term will be Peace at Last and The Three Little Pigs!  The children will learn these stories through the Pathways to Write approach where we use drama, actions, story maps and visual prompts to help us.  

For more details please see our project letter.

Here are some of the rhymes we will be learning; 

5 little Men in a flying saucer (this is for national poetry day)

Special People

Poor little pigs


Reading Books 

To begin with, your child will be recieving a sharing book for you to share and read to them. This is an opportunity to foster the love for reading and for them to hear how stories read, engage with book and talk about the characters and events which are happening. Please make sure that your child reads at least 3 times a week and complete the reading record with any comments about your child's engagement with the story. We change reading books once a week, however your child's reading record book needs to be in everyday as they are checked daily. 

Reading Rockets 

Later this term the children will also be receiving a Reading Rocket. These are words that the children have to learn by sight. The children will progress up the rockets  once they can confidently read all the words on each rocket. There are Ten rockets to get. Can you get them all?

Daily Phonics

Phonics are taught through the “Read Write Inc” structured programme of teaching. To begin with the children are taught in 15-20 minute sessions each day, through games, actions and use of flashcards and magnetic letters, learning how to say the sound (phoneme) for each letter (grapheme) and eventually move on to groups of letters like sh, ch, igh (digraphs and trigraphs). They learn to hear and say the sounds in words like c-a-t by pulling them apart (segmenting) and putting them back together (blending). They will sometimes bring some phonics homework home where they can practice writing the sound they have been learning. These vital skills help them to read words that are phonetically spelt but some words, that cannot be easily decoded, are learnt as ‘tricky words’ such as ‘come’ and ‘the’. These skills are then applied to learning to spell and to write sentences.

For more informtion visit:



You will be asked to fill in the yellow Reading Record book each time you hear your child read at home or you share their sharing book. For every 10 occasions your child reads at home, and this is recorded in their reading champion’s book, they will receive a certificate and a special mention in the school newsletter.

Please be honest with your comments, if your child had problems with certain words or found the book very difficult, please say so. Perhaps they have mastered the vocabulary but still cannot tell you what the story is about.  Do not be afraid to leave a message to ask us to send home the same book again; this is not a race and moving on too quickly may result in difficulties at a later stage. In the very early stages, it is fine to simply tell your child an unknown word and explain what it means. Do not let your child struggle with trying to sound out words that are not phonetically decodable, for example ‘tricky words’ such as ‘come’ and ‘who’ which cannot be sounded out as c-o-m-e and w-h-o.


Our main maths focus work in the autumn term will introduce us to the Numberblocks. We will start to explore numbers to 5 and all the skills that go hand in hand with counting, recognising numerals, adding and subtracting quantities, subitising and many more! The children will experience lots of shape, size and measuring activities through our books.  For more information on the Numberblocks scheme please visit:


Things to remember...

  • Your child will need a water bottle that is kept in school
  • PE is on Wednesdays - children must have a PE kit in school.  They will be sent home at the end of each half term.
  • Toast money (£1) is to be in on Fridays, ready for the following week

Useful dates

  • Week beginning 23rd September – After school clubs begin
  • 1st October – Black History Month begins
  • Week beginning 30th September – Parent drop ins, Writing focus (date TBC)
  • 3rd October - National Poetry Day
  • 5th  October – 1st session of Nasal Flu Immunisations
  • 10TH October – World Mental Health Day
  • Week Beginning 14th October – Recycle Week
  • 18th October – school closes for half term holidays
  • 28TH October – school reopens for Autumn 2
  • 29th/30th October – Parent Evenings
  • 31st October – Halloween Disco
  • Week beginning 11th November – Anti –bullying week
  • 11th November – Remembrance day
  • 11th November – Odd Socks Day
  • 15th November – Children in need day
  • 16th November – International Day of Tolerance and Respect
  • 5th December – Christmas Fayre
  • Week beginning 9th December – EYFS/KS1Christmas Performance
  • 12th December – Christmas Jumper Day
  • 17th December – Christmas Lunch
  • 19TH  December – School closes at 2pm for Christmas holidays 
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